
Yoga at Déjalat

By way of introduction I am a Yoga Siromani, Teacher of Yoga and  live in the Dordogne, France. We moved here from the UK in 2006 where I was a practicing yogini.

Seventeen years on, I am a  qualified yoga teacher with over 10 years teaching experience. My journey to become a teacher began when my yoga teacher of several years returned to the UK and I could not find anyone to fill her place. At this time I was asked by a friend if I would share my practice with her and a couple of others. This soon became a regular class which I gave freely but it soon became clear to me that I would need formal training if I wanted to continue with them. Spurred on by the enjoyment and sense of fulfilment that these classes gave me, I embarked on a teacher training course. After one of the most gruelling months of my life, I qualified from the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre at Neuville-aux-Bois, in France, in June 2013.

It was worth every 5.30 am start! It has allowed me to introduce young people to yoga at local primary schools and also to teach yoga at home to students of all levels – from those who are starting yoga for the first time up to experienced practitioners. I also provide a gentle restorative class once a week and, weather permitting practise outside, usually by the pool in Summer.

I was introduced to yoga as a teenager. However it was not until I had a family and the pressures that accompany family life that I realised the true benefits of yoga! My aim now is to introduce others to the benefits that yoga can bring. We all live full but often stressful lives. Through yoga, we can learn to relax and find not only our natural balance, but an inner calm as well.

This can be achieved through the adoption of Asana (exercise), Pranayama (breathing), relaxation, diet, positive thinking and meditation.

In my lessons I teach Hatha yoga. This path teaches ways of controlling the body and mind, including silent meditation. Classes cover yogic postures, breathing and relaxation techniques and a brief meditation. As a result, I hope that you will experience this ancient way of bringing balance into your life.

Health is wealth.

Peace of mind is happiness.

Yoga shows us the way.

(Swami Vishnudevananda)

Tanya Smith (Kamala Devi)